The Kochi-Muziris Biennale has put Kerala on the art tourism circuit, says Kishore Singh.
'She didn't eat beans, disliked spinach, abhorred peas, but mostly she wouldn't eat things the name of which she didn't know, which seemed to consist of the entire vegetable kingdom.' 'For some reason, she finds even dahi unpalatable,' sighs Kishore Singh.
For now, says Kishore Singh, the #MeToo movement has not looked sufficiently back in history, but too many of us know such offenders and continue to socialise amidst them.
'Since my son insisted his future happiness would be jeopardised unless the matter was urgently addressed, my wife passed instructions to the kitchen staff to serve us meals in front of the TV,' says Kishore Singh.
'Perish the thought that we can settle the date for the nuptials between ourselves.' 'Or conclude potential venues, menus or events with the authority vested in us as seniors.' 'Such decisions are not in our purview,' says Kishore Singh.
'Who wouldn't want to rub shoulders with the neighbouring country's premier's childhood confidante?' asks Kishore Singh.
'Why not knock off a few more kilos and a couple of inches now that the desire for an amble has replaced that for cheesecake?' wonders Kishore Singh.
'Surprisingly, the most frequent of the walking squads are the Auntyjis, those you'd hardly credit with such dedication.' 'Yet, they're always present and the sprightliest of the lot in their salwar suits and saris,' says Kishore Singh.
'Attempts to buy myself a pair of jeans proved unfruitful because there didn't appear to be a pair that wasn't ripped by design'. 'All the fashion seemed to be for the sickeningly young,' reports Kishore Singh after a recent trip to the mall.
Manubhai, 79 now, is exhilarated about newer possibilities and prospects. The past is done with; the future holds the key to evolving forms of exploration. Kishore Singh salutes the Master.
Kishore Singh on how his kids decided that in spite of the presence of weird older people at home, it was an easier bet to party where the free booze was.
It'll be a relief when the rightful chefs are back to claim the kitchen so the household can be restored to its old ways, says Kishore Singh.
When Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje Scindia decided to convert her government's capital outpost into a hub of culture, she transformed Bikaner House into Delhi's premier cultural space, notes Kishore Singh.
Prisons aren't places to build bodies or boost egos, says Kishore Singh.
'The childhood urge to amass wealth may account for one's inexplicable urge to stockpile change, for there is nothing more gratifying than to lift a box heavy with one's treasure, more satisfying somehow than all the zeroes the Kochhars, Modis and Mallyas appear to have allegedly scammed our banks over,' says Kishore Singh.
We might not have been seeking out baubles, says Kishore Singh, but there's nothing Nirav Modi liked more than surprising you with them.
'Closets brimmed and overflowed.' 'The dining cabinet was emptied to stock footwear.' 'They were thrust into bookshelves still in their wrapping.' 'It was like a boot plague for which there was no antidote,' says Kishore Singh.
'As a child I was very glad to be around him, to breathe his happiness.' 'I was aware that he would focus 100 per cent on whatever he was doing, whether it was playing with me, or going to the bullfights, or painting -- which he seemed to do non-stop,' Pablo's grandson tells Kishore Singh.
'When, finally, my bedroom was declared odour-proof (which it isn't -- for the record), I moved back in with a sense of relief -- only to find I couldn't sleep on a bed any more, having grown unaccustomed to such luxury after 10 days of camping out,' says Kishore Singh.
'If Romeo and Juliet had done the math, they might have gone their own ways without ending up dead in a family quarrel,' says Kishore Singh.